Financial Management
Financial Regulations govern financial management by Churt Parish Council and are observed in conjunction with Standing Orders. These are adopted each year, based on Model Financial Regulations for Local Councils issued by the National Association of Local Councils.
The Council must ensure that it has a sound system of internal controls and insurance which deliver effective financial and operational risk management and these can be found on the Risk Assessment page. The effectiveness of the internal control system is reviewed through a number of risk assessments before the Council approves its Annual Governance Statement.
The Council Finance sub-committee meets regularly to manage parish finances and ensures that an effective system of internal audit is in place. Each year our appointed internal auditor audits and reports on the accounts for the previous financial year, following which, the Council signs and adopts the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Sections 1 and 2.
These, together with a summary of the annual accounts, are then sent to the external auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulation 2015 and the National Audit Office’s Code of Audit Practice 2015. During this time a Notice of the Exercise of Public Rights is published and any person has the right to inspect the accounting records and AGAR for that financial year on application to the Parish Clerk. After completion of the external audit, the Parish Clerk will publish a Conclusion of Audit Notice.
These documents covering the current and previous years are available to download by clicking the relevant green links.
2024 / 2025
CPC Adopted Financial Regulations
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
Public Rights Notice
External Auditor Certificate
Conclusion of Audit Notice